


Not everyone that Finland wants to deport leaves the country. Sometimes people stay – but they have to hide. Some Finnish people active in the church help them, but it is risky. The hiders do not dare to speak about what they are doing. Some of them say that they feel they have to help people in need. In Sweden ordinary church members are hiding maybe thousands of people. In Finland the first handbook for hiders will be out soon.

What is beautiful?

Some people see Merihaka as a beautiful part of town, and others think it is ugly. And who likes big video screens? A nightmare for some city dwellers can be a paradise for others. Ylioppilaslehti asked ten people to defend their opinion on what is ugly and what is beautiful.

Story machine

Salatut elämät, a popular Finnish soap opera, involves a massive amount of artistic workers. Nearly one hundred people take part in writing, acting and shooting the show. Everything begins from the story team where the main storylines are written. Stories are passed on to the dialogue team. There are teams for choosing staff, the director and finally the actors. The whole thing is one big story machine.

Hit factory

Composer Maki Kolehmainen is the man behind a great many Finnish pop artists. He owns a studio and has composed songs for hundreds of CDs. Because Finnish music tends to be in the melancholy minor key and Kolehmainen usually composes his songs in the happier major key, he is known as the most Swedish composer in Finland.

Edited by Reeta Holma and Ylioppilaslehti staff.